
Evangelization and the Failure to Understand Gender “Ideology”

Not surprisingly, considering their moniker, evangelicals have historically emphasized the evangelization of culture. Those within a culture are divided into the saved and the unsaved. The duty of every evangelical is spiritual activism to discover the unsaved and direct them toward salvation. In effect, the priority of relationships is spiritual destiny. Conversations are often carefully…

A Complicated Friendship

The other day I went out for coffee with a friend. My friend is the type of person that has been with me through some dark times. He often says just the right words to comfort, challenge, and make me feel loved and valued. There is wisdom in his words. He’s an old soul who…

Hate the Sin, Hate the Sinner

This post contains frank discussions about religious trauma, sexuality, and self-harm. If you need healing, it’s never too late to get help. Reading the Christian Bible and not grappling with the ancient concept of sin is almost impossible. It is there shortly after “in the beginning,” and it’s present throughout the theological narrative of scripture.…

What Evangelicals Get Wrong About Abortion

Since the United States overturned the landmark ruling Roe v. Wade, social media has been bursting with “gotcha memes” and ideological grenades. If there is one topic that seems to divide us, reduce our civility, impassion us, and reveal our values, it seems to be abortion. I must confess that this topic brings up feelings…

Problems with Apologetics (Part 4): Suffering

Suffering is often the biggest obstacle to belief in the Christian God. As the 17th c. philosopher Pierre Bayle points out in his Historical and Critical Dictionary, it is always better to prevent something terrible from happening. God could simply do so if he wishes. To give a reason for suffering is to betray the…


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